Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Whole Life

I just returned from vacation. I recommend it highly to everyone. There is nothing better than stepping out of our normal surroundings and daily life to rest, reflect, and recharge. Crucial, especially for those of us who are dependent on our creativity for our living.

I have to say that even as I had stepped away from my daily life, I didn't really completely stop working. I had a good giggle when one of my co-workers had sent me an email, then chastised me for my prompt response, telling me to stop working! I know that for many people it is easy to compartmentalize their lives, for me that has never been the case. Life, work, play, friends, family all blend together for me into what I think of as a whole. The ideas for some of my favorite designs come to me when I'm far away from my bench! I am looking forward to sitting down at my bench to bring  to life the scribbles I added to my sketch book while I sat on the beach and watched the pelicans in their follow the leader game!