Sunday, April 22, 2012

Getting Our Bearings

This morning I woke up for the first time in forever that I have no pressing deadline I need to meet for tomorrow. No drawings, no item of jewelry, no anything! I fixed breakfast for my husband and myself and chatted to him about this miraculous thing of "how I could spend my day doing something I've been wanting to" because all my short term obligations have been met.

He and I are in the same boat. We are both artists who serve two masters. We have day jobs that provide the income that we need to live the life we want, and our vocation, the things we create that feed our soul. Often, the jobs that provide our income take precedence over the latter for obvious reasons. This is my husband's busy season in his landscape business, so that is running his life right now. As we finished cleaning up from breakfast, and he was preparing to head over to his studio, I asked him what he was planning to work on today. He is engaged in a series of wood block prints that are compelling and beautiful. I have to laugh a little, because if he'd asked me the question, he'd have got a very specific answer about what I was going to do, and in what order! Not him though. His calm and not specific answer was "I'm going to get my bearings".

Isn't this what we are all doing in our lives? It seems that we are all, no matter what stage of life we are in, getting our bearing to move forward. Yesterday, I had the pleasure of giving a workshop for the metals students at CCAD. Some of them are graduating in a couple weeks, so are at a point in life where huge changes and unknowns are on the horizon. That those individuals were able to contain themselves and focus for four hours on trying to learn the rudiments of gem setting is no small task! In addition to learning a new skill set, they had a few questions about my job. What was it like? What's the biggest diamond you ever set? They were checking a little to help get their bearings for what life outside of school could look like.

Conversely, I wanted to give a workshop, to find out what it's like to teach and share some of the knowledge I've accrued over my 27 year career in the jewelry business. As I move forward into the next stage of my life, what will help me find the best balance between earning enough money to care for myself and my husband now and in our old age, and feeding my soul? My heart, wants to be more deeply engaged in the artistic side of myself. There is a part of me that believes my studio business is the best place to find that, but the barriers to the model I first engaged in are high. How to modify that model is one question. Where does the "day job" fit in my life? To be relevant and successful there, I have learned, requires my full time presence, plus some of my studio time for design processes. The pay is good, but the cost to my artistic heart is very high. Where teaching and helping other fits in, is that it seems to help me reinvigorate mentally. I always seem to be able to enter my studio with a fresh perspective on what I am hoping to create. The question of what role teaching can play in my life is a big one. Could it replace my day job financially? Would it become burdensome when the novelty of something new wears off? Can I balance all three things for the perfect balance of earnings, creating, and giving that will give me the life I've always wanted?

So back to my day of no pressing deadlines. As usual, my longtime partner has it right. This is a day where I will follow his lead. I will head to my studio, play around with my projects that are on back burners, tidy up a little, and try to get my bearings for what is next in my life.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

CCAD Art Sale

   Big fun for me yesterday! At the invitation of my boss, I attended the CCAD Art Sale.  For those of you who haven't followed, CCAD is my alma mater. I moved to Columbus 30 years ago to attend this small art school and never left.
   I no longer live on that end of town, so have been only peripherally aware of the changes that have occurred at the school since I left. New leadership, more buildings, better communication with the community that surrounds the school. What was amazing was the quality of the work and the sophistication of the ways in which the students are representing themselves.
   Technology is certainly a boon to artists who are creating beautiful items and images. Everyone has their own websites by the time they're in their junior year. A reminder to me of the importance of updating and making my own current! (Working on it now...hoping to have it complete by June!)  My favorite was a young lady who had graduated, and rather than wait to find a publisher, is self publishing and marketing her own children's books! (Guess what my future nieces and nephews will be getting for Christmas!)
   I left the event to head back to work, but felt buoyant from being enveloped in all the creative energy of young people who haven't been told they can't, or aren't good enough, or right for that promotion, or all the things they will face in life that can grind you down. Next week I am teaching my first (hopefully not my last) stone setting workshop at CCAD for the students there who aspire to work in the jewelry industry. I hope I am able to give them one more tool in their arsenal to create beautiful objects. I know that whatever I can give to them, I will receive back in their fresher point of view!