Big fun for me yesterday! At the invitation of my boss, I attended the CCAD Art Sale. For those of you who haven't followed, CCAD is my alma mater. I moved to Columbus 30 years ago to attend this small art school and never left.
I no longer live on that end of town, so have been only peripherally aware of the changes that have occurred at the school since I left. New leadership, more buildings, better communication with the community that surrounds the school. What was amazing was the quality of the work and the sophistication of the ways in which the students are representing themselves.
Technology is certainly a boon to artists who are creating beautiful items and images. Everyone has their own websites by the time they're in their junior year. A reminder to me of the importance of updating and making my own current! (Working on it now...hoping to have it complete by June!) My favorite was a young lady who had graduated, and rather than wait to find a publisher, is self publishing and marketing her own children's books! (Guess what my future nieces and nephews will be getting for Christmas!)
I left the event to head back to work, but felt buoyant from being enveloped in all the creative energy of young people who haven't been told they can't, or aren't good enough, or right for that promotion, or all the things they will face in life that can grind you down. Next week I am teaching my first (hopefully not my last) stone setting workshop at CCAD for the students there who aspire to work in the jewelry industry. I hope I am able to give them one more tool in their arsenal to create beautiful objects. I know that whatever I can give to them, I will receive back in their fresher point of view!
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